Prospective Student-Athletes
Mid-Continent University Recruit Information
        If you are interested in becoming part of Mid-Continent Athletics, please click on the link provided, designate the sport in which you are interested, fill out the form, and click to submit by email, or print out the form and mail it back to the coach of the sport in which you are interested.  One other way:  you also may click on the name of the sport on the left side of the home page and when you see the desired sports page, click on "Recruiting" near the top of that page, fill out the form, and submit.  Your information will be forwarded to the appropriate coach, who will get in contact with you directly.  A link to the coaching staff directory also is provided on the home page of
Get in touch with a member of the Cougar coaching staff.
Find out how to apply and be eligible for financial aid, including a possible athletic scholarship.
      The following are general requirements by the NAIA for a student-athlete to be eligible to participate in intercollegiate athletics. Please check with school counselors, coaches, the NAIA website, or Mid-Continent Athletics for further information.
        Incoming freshman must meet at least two of the following three requirements:
  • Minimum of 2.00 cummulative high school grade-point average.
  • Standing in top 50% of graduating class
  • SAT score of 860 (math and verbal only) or ACT score of 18
        Transfer students must meet the following requirements:
  • Minimum of 24 credits with passing grade over last two terms of attendance or 36 in the last three terms.
  • If participated in intercollegiate athletics, may need clearance from previous institution
For more information concerning your eligibility contact the athletic department.  You can also read the entire eligibility rules and policies for the NAIA at